Tether Shields protect the investment you've made in your tack from dents, scratches and grit - a horse life hack that makes caring for your tack a whole lot easier!


Each of our products has a universal fit, travels with your tack everywhere it goes and is almost automatic to use!

With Tether Shield you work smarter, not harder!

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Each item is meticulously handcrafted to order in North Carolina. Production time runs about one week and orders can be returned or exchanged at any time, for any reason!

Panel Guard saddle cushions ~

cushion your saddle, not each saddle rack

1 of 3

Stirrup Locks ~

safely secure all styles of stirrups

sets of two

Stirrup Covers ~

ours travel with you, ready for every run-up

sets of two

Bridle Guards ~

cushion your bridle crown every where it goes

What do other equestrians think?

saddle fitters, professional trainers, amateurs and horse show moms